Sometimes working together
makes all the difference.
We offer workshops for individuals and teams including:
Enhance Your Leadership
Design and Develop Your Leadership Presence
Making the Most of Your First 90 Days on the Job
Making Effective Commitments to Get Stuff Done
Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback
Leading from the Future: Employing Theory U to Create Innovations that Generate Wellbeing in Society
Employ Design Thinking Process, Tools, and Mindsets to Address Work and Life Challenges
Design for Belonging: Unleash Positive Participation for Groups With Liberating Structures
Design Your Life: What is Your Next Step?
Discover Your Strengths, Values, and Purpose
Find Your Creative Super Power Through FourSight(R) Thinking System
Design Your Life
Design Your Life: Embracing the Second Third of Your Life
Design Your Life: Thrive in an Empty Nest
Design Your Life: Embracing the Third Third of Your Life
Design Your Life for More Joy: Improve Your Balance and Energy
Design Your Year: Transition into a New Year with Clarity and Intention
Become More Embodied
Build Somatic Awareness: Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom
Manage Your Nervous System: Move from Surviving to Thriving
Boost Your Resilience: Become Stronger than The Challenges You Face
Increase Discernment and Confidently Make Decisions with Embodied Decision Making